Saturday, February 18, 2012

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"

Bax's article offers a critical examination and reassessment of the history of CALL(computer-assisted language learning).
It seeks answers to three questions: where has
CALL been, where is it now and where is it going?. Accordingly, it is structured chronologically, beginning with a reassessment of the history of CALL, followed by a brief assessment of CALL now. It concludes with a detailed discussion of where CALL could go in future and how we as a profession could help it achieve its maximum potential.

 Bax thinks that CALL will be normalised when computers are treated as always secondary to learning itself, it may take several years for these practices to become commonplace. However, it is possibleand, he suggests, imperativeto plan for this normalised state and then move towards itindeed this offer and structure our entire agenda for the future of CALL.

He has identified a possible future agenda for CALL. Our
Aim can be the normalisation which he has  described, in which CALL finally
becomes invisible, serving the needs of learners and integrated into every teachers everyday practice. This will almost certainly require changes in technology
of the classroom computer.
He argue that we need more in-depth ethnographic studies of individual environments to elucidate the
relationship between the factors just mentioned. We also need action research in individual environments to identify barriers to normalisation and ways of overcoming them.

In Saudi Arabia , we still use the old tradition way if teaching  , when students are just listeners and readers, which is too bad because Students are already aware of using   technology in their lives for their personal purposes or for fun. Lately , some schools  started using more  technology in teaching although it was a small  incomplete experiment , yet it had a good reflect on students.
We need to change the school curricula ,methods ,school setting and train teachers  in order to achieve normalization in Saudi Arabia .
It's like what Bax said : " This will not be an easy process. However, if we take our aim to be normalization , and then work for ways of achieving it efficiently, computers can finally achieve their proper place and true potential in the classroom".